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Discover Amersfoort

Discover Amersfoort

Amersfoort is a beautiful city located in the middle of the country, which makes it the perfect city to discover the Netherlands. Its biggest treasure is its history. You can really feel the medieval city that was established in the 13th Century through the many monuments, little streets, canals and details. The historical city is surrounded by beautiful swathes of nature, which makes it a unique city. Amersfoort is the easiest city to reach in the Netherlands, both by car and by train. It’s only 30 minutes to Schiphol Airport! Fans of history will immediately feel at home in Amersfoort. The city obtained its city rights in 1259, and the history is still clearly visible in the centre. There are 650 monuments, like the Koppelpoort, the Onze Lieve Vrouwe tower and the Wall Houses, which are all worth the visit. More than a million tourists, both Dutch and from abroad, visit the city annually, who love to visit these historical highlights.
I Love Amersfoort - Santa Run

I Love Amersfoort - Santa Run

Huge Santa run in Amersfoort, the city in the center of the Netherlands.
I Love Amersfoort - Beer festival

I Love Amersfoort - Beer festival

Check out Amersfoort! A vibrant city with lots of festivals. Here's a view of a Beer Festival.
Christmas Island

Christmas Island

Rising majestically from the topical depths of the Indian Ocean and surrounded by the azure waters of Asia’s southern fringe lies a stunning Natural Wonder – Christmas Island. Venture to this awe-inspiring island for an unforgettable adventure. Experience a rich biodiversity and a welcoming culture as you take time to escape the everyday, relax and immerse yourself in a breathtaking natural world.
Travel video of Basel

Travel video of Basel

This video was created in cooperation with Travel Me Happy and Switzerland Tourism. We will take you through Basel and you will see many breathtaking places such as: The iconic Minster, the beautiful Rhine and the verious museums. Enjoy! #LoveBasel #BaselSwitzerland
This is Basel

This is Basel

Basel, Switzerland, is a place of exciting contrasts. A city with historical buildings next to modern architecture. Where a young and dynamic art scene exists alongside world-renowned museums. Cosmopolitan ambience here, lively traditions there. You just have to experience Basel for yourself.
Simply Benidorm

Simply Benidorm

Benidorm, spectacular beaches and coves, 5 splendid theme and water parks, multiple options for carrying our sports activities in the open air amid beautiful natural surroundings, on the beach, in the sea, play golf, enjoy the Mediterranean gastronomy, nightlife, local fiestas, music festivals and shopping. Learn more about this favourite destination.
Terra Mitica Benidorm

Terra Mitica Benidorm

Parque temático en Benidorm


Parque de animales exóticos y marinos en Benidorm.
Discover Benidorm

Discover Benidorm

Fine golden sand, transparent waters and beaches that are clean and cared for throughout the year are a trademark of the Benidorm seafront. At its north end, two small coves of sand and rock are very suitable for diving and for those who like to swim alone.
Kaunas sharing love

Kaunas sharing love

Kaunas sharing love
Hannover timelapse

Hannover timelapse

Enjoy the new Hannover timelapse image film - one day in the vibrant city of Hannover in just 5 minutes! Including all tourist highlights such as the Old Town, the Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen or the New Town Hall as well as events like Maschsee lake Festival or the International Firework Competition.
Rugby World Cup 2015 Exeter

Rugby World Cup 2015 Exeter

RWC 2015 comes to Exeter ! #tryexeter
Shopping in Exeter

Shopping in Exeter

Shop late in Exeter City Centre
Rugby World Cup 2015 - Team Talk Advert

Rugby World Cup 2015 - Team Talk Advert

Rugby World Cup 2015 comes to the South West of England and together we can rock this festival. Let's make it something special. Too big to miss! feat. Charles Dance
Greater Raleigh Nightlife

Greater Raleigh Nightlife

Whatever your definitions of fun and entertainment are, the Greater Raleigh area offers a plethora of diverse nightlife activities that are sure to surpass visitors' expectations.
Greater Raleigh Dining

Greater Raleigh Dining

Heralded by Southern Living magazine as one of the "Top 10 Tastiest Towns in the South", Raleigh offers visitors an extensive selection of culinary crafts that feature local ingredients and unique twists on Southern classics.
Seasons of Sonoma County

Seasons of Sonoma County

Visit Sonoma Wine Country any times of year, and enjoy all the beautiful seasons in Sonoma County, California. Just north of San Francisco, Sonoma Wine Country enjoys a climate that is Mediterranean, meaning mild winters with green hillsides and yellow mustards in the vines as well as gentle summers perfect for exploring the rivers and coast, or enjoying a day among the redwoods. Find out more about the seasons of Sonoma at www.sonomacounty.com/sonoma-seasons.
Lübeck Old Town - a UNESCO World Heritage

Lübeck Old Town - a UNESCO World Heritage

Narrow alleyways, historic buildings, and salty air, proud sailing vessels,|marzipan and maritime stories – these are the characteristics of Lubeck! Through|the winding alleys which have been declared a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. Further through hidden courtyards to the historic beauties anchored|along the quayside of the museum harbour. Step inside the Buddenbrook-House,|the Gunter Grass-House and the Willy-Brandt-House to discover literature, art and|contemporary history from a new point of view. And naturally you shouldn’t miss|the delicious marzipan from Lubeck.


A colourful festival in the heart of Lübeck's Old Town. The people of Lübeck unite to create something special and unique to welcome their guests and show them true hospitality.
Donau.verändert, Linz

Donau.verändert, Linz

Winter in Leuven

Winter in Leuven

Winterseason in Leuven: joyful days. www.wintertijdinleuven.be
Leuven Beer Weekend

Leuven Beer Weekend

During the last weekend of april, Leuven has a rich programme of beer activities in the city. Many restaurants offer a beermenu, guides take you with them on a beer walk in the city, you can follow beer workshops and, of course, tastings in the breweries (Domus and AB InBev). http://www.leuven.be/beercapital
Visit Leuven in 2:42

Visit Leuven in 2:42

First hyperfilm of Leuven, made by Basel Zorebieda. 1 man, 2 cameras, 15.000 pictures and 100+ videos from more then 50 locations. Shooting took 4 months, day & night, sun & rain. Basel, a new inhabitant in Leuven, wants to show his love for Leuven in this spectacular video. Credits: Video by Basel photography & film Music: "will you follow me" by Tiny Music
Locals in the spotlight: Pieter, the artist [ENGLISH]

Locals in the spotlight: Pieter, the artist [ENGLISH]

Pieter Janssen is an artist from Leuven who mainly works as a scenographer, set builder, and sculptor for the movie world, theatres, and museums. He’s always crafting and sculpting and still constantly loves the fact that he was able to turn his passion into his profession. His surroundings are very important in his work. Pieter has his studio in Leuven’s Vaartkom district, where he lives in his own fantasy world. When he steps outside, he happily lets the vibrant neighbourhood inspire him.
Locals in the spotlight: Jochem, the rebel [ENGLISH]

Locals in the spotlight: Jochem, the rebel [ENGLISH]

Jochem Daelman is one of the founding members of Onkruid Studio. It combines expertise in architecture, marketing, music, and culture to make creative interventions in cities. In Leuven, they organise, among others, the biennial and& festival, they designed a square in the trendy new Vaartkom district, and they are one of the driving forces behind Stelplaats, an experimental zone for young people.
Ontmoet onze locals: Pieter, de kunstenaar [DUTCH]

Ontmoet onze locals: Pieter, de kunstenaar [DUTCH]

Pieter Janssen is een Leuvense kunstenaar die vooral werkt als scenograaf, decorbouwer en sculpteur voor filmwereld, theater en musea. Knutselen en sculpteren was altijd al zijn ding en het feit dat hij hier zijn beroep van maakte, vindt hij nog elke dag geweldig. Zijn omgeving is heel belangrijk in zijn werk. Pieter heeft zijn atelier in de Leuvense Vaartkom. Daar leeft hij in zijn eigen fantasiewereld. Als hij buiten stapt laat hij zich graag inspireren door de bruisende buurt.
Recontrer nos habitants: Pieter l'artiste [FRENCH]

Recontrer nos habitants: Pieter l'artiste [FRENCH]

Pieter Janssen est un artiste louvaniste qui travaille surtout comme scénographe, concepteur de décors et sculpteur pour le cinéma, le théâtre et les musées. Il a toujours aimé bricoler et créer des sculptures. Il s'estime donc chanceux de pouvoir pratiquer un métier qui lui permet de vivre pleinement ses passions. Son environnement exerce une grande influence sur ses œuvres. Pieter a installé son atelier à Leuven, dans le quartier du Vaartkom. Un endroit dans lequel il peut laisser libre cours à son imagination. Il n'hésite pas à puiser son inspiration dans ce quartier en perpétuelle effervescence.
Treffen sie unsere einheimischen: Pieter, der künstler [GERMAN]

Treffen sie unsere einheimischen: Pieter, der künstler [GERMAN]

Pieter Janssen ist ein Leuvener Künstler, der vor allem als Szenograf, Bühnenbildner und Bildhauer für Film, Theater und Museen arbeitet. Gestalten und Bildhauerei waren schon immer sein Ding. Dass er dies zu seinem Beruf machen konnte, findet er auch heute noch großartig. Seine Umgebung spielt bei seiner Arbeit eine große Rolle. Pieter hat sein Atelier im Leuvener Stadtteil Vaartkom. Dort lebt er in seiner eigenen Fantasiewelt. Wenn er sein Atelier verlässt, findet er in diesem lebendigen Viertel zahlreiche Inspirationen.
Conoce a nuestros lugareños: Pieter, el artista [SPANISH]

Conoce a nuestros lugareños: Pieter, el artista [SPANISH]

Pieter Janssen es un artista de Leuven que trabaja principalmente como escenógrafo, constructor de decorados y escultor para el mundo del cine, el teatro y los museos. Las manualidades y la escultura siempre han sido su pasión y el hecho de que haya conseguido convertir su afición en su profesión le sigue pareciendo increíble. Su entorno es muy importante en su trabajo. Pieter tiene su taller en el barrio del Vaartkom, en Leuven. Allí vive en su propio mundo de fantasía. Cuando sale le gusta ser inspirado por el vibrante barrio.
Ontmoet onze locals: Jochem, de rebel [DUTCH]

Ontmoet onze locals: Jochem, de rebel [DUTCH]

Jochem Daelman is één van de stichtende leden van Onkruid. Een studio die expertise in architectuur, marketing, muziek en cultuur combineert om creatieve interventies te doen in steden. In Leuven organiseren ze onder meer het tweejaarlijkse and&festival, ontwierpen ze een plein in de nieuwe hippe Vaartkom, en zijn ze één van de drijvende krachten achter Stelplaats, een experimenteerplek voor jongeren.
Recontrer nos habitants: Jochem, le rebel [FRENCH]

Recontrer nos habitants: Jochem, le rebel [FRENCH]

Jochem Daelman est l'un des membres fondateurs d'Onkruid, un studio qui propose une combinaison réussie d’architecture, de marketing, de musique et de culture pour lancer des projets originaux dans les villes. À Leuven, Onkruid est notamment derrière des projets comme l' and& festival,un événement bisannuel, et la réalisation d'une place dans le nouveau quartier branché du Vaartkom. L'organisation constitue également l'une des forces motrices derrière Stelplaats, un lieu d'expérimentation pour les jeunes.