• 目的地

Conoce a nuestros lugareños: Jochem, el rebelde [SPANISH]

Conoce a nuestros lugareños: Jochem, el rebelde [SPANISH]

Jochem Daelman es uno de los miembros fundadores de Onkruid, un estudio que combina experiencia en arquitectura, marketing, música y cultura, con el fin de realizar intervenciones creativas en las ciudades. En Leuven, el estudio organiza, entre otras cosas, el and&festival bienal, diseñaron una plaza en el nuevo y moderno Vaartkom, y es una de las fuerzas impulsoras del Stelplaats, un lugar experimental para los jóvenes.
Ontmoet onze locals: Gie, de cafébaas [DUTCH]

Ontmoet onze locals: Gie, de cafébaas [DUTCH]

Iedereen kent Gie in Leuven. Van op een feestje in zijn legendarische fuifzaal de Rumba of van een pintje in zijn volkscafé Leuven Central. Zoals hij zelf zegt is hij ‘gebeten door de horecamicrobe’. Hij weet perfect wat de Leuvenaar wilt: ‘echte Stella en goeie koffie. Da’s de basis.’ En als ’t van hem afhangt serveert hij die tot hij er bij neervalt.
Treffen sie unsere einheimischen: Gie, Café-chef [GERMAN]

Treffen sie unsere einheimischen: Gie, Café-chef [GERMAN]

Jeder in Leuven kennt Guy. Von einer Party in seinem legendären Festsaal Rumba oder von einem Bier in seinem Traditionslokal Leuven Central. Er sagt von sich selbst, dass er „mit dem Gastronomievirus infiziert“ ist. Und er weiß genau, was der Leuvener will: „Echtes Stella und guten Kaffee. Das ist die Basis.“ Wenn es nach ihm geht, serviert er diese bis zum Umfallen.
Meet our locals: Gie, the pub owner [ENGLISH]

Meet our locals: Gie, the pub owner [ENGLISH]

Everyone knows Gie in Leuven. From a party in his legendary party space, the Rumba, to a beer in his popular pub Leuven Central. As he says himself, he’s ‘bitten by the hospitality microbe’. He knows perfectly what the people of Leuven want: ‘real Stella and good coffee. That’s the basis.” And if it were up to him, he’d serve it until he passed out from exhaustion.
Meer our locals: Linde, the baker [ENGLISH]

Meer our locals: Linde, the baker [ENGLISH]

Linde owns the Korst bakery in Hal 5. She has her own personal take on bread, and on food in general. At Korst, she searches for a new formula for a centuries-old craft. The result? Delicious sourdough bread. It is no coincidence that her bakery is in Leuven; after wandering all over Europe, Linde chose this place because she can collaborate with BoerEnCompagnie, a community-supported agricultural cooperative, and use the local products it provides. And because she found a space in Hall 5: empty, historic railway halls that were transformed into a vibrant, urban, sustainable place to meet others and to settle down.
Ontmoet onze locals: Linde, de bakker [DUTCH]

Ontmoet onze locals: Linde, de bakker [DUTCH]

Linde is eigenaar van bakkerij Korst in HAL 5. Ze heeft een hele eigen visie op brood en voeding in het algemeen. Met Korst gaat ze op zoek naar een nieuwe formule voor een eeuwenoude stiel. Het resultaat? Overheerlijk zuurdesembrood. Haar bakkerij ligt niet toevallig in Leuven. Na omzwervingen in gans Europa koos Linde deze plek omdat ze hier kan samenwerken met de lokale producten van BoerEnCompagnie, een CSA – coöperatieve. En omdat ze een ruimte vond in HAL 5. Deze leegstaande historische spoorweghallen werden omgevormd tot een bruisende, stedelijke en duurzame broed- en ontmoetingsplek.
Recontrer nos habitants: Linde, le boulanger [FRENCH]

Recontrer nos habitants: Linde, le boulanger [FRENCH]

Linde possède la boulangerie Korst installée dans le Hal 5. Elle a une vision bien particulière du pain et de l'alimentation en général. Avec Korst, elle a voulu réinventer un savoir-faire séculaire. Résultat : de délicieux pains au levain. Le choix d'installer sa boulangerie à Leuven ne relève pas du hasard. Après diverses pérégrinations à travers toute l'Europe, Linde a choisi cet endroit afin de pouvoir travailler avec les producteurs locaux de la BoerEnCompagnie, une coopérative qui fait partie du réseau CSA. Et puis elle a trouvé un local adapté dans le Hal 5. Ces halles ferroviaires désaffectées ont été transformées en un espace de rencontres urbain, durable et dynamique.
Treffen sie unsere einheimischen: Linde, der Bäcker [GERMAN]

Treffen sie unsere einheimischen: Linde, der Bäcker [GERMAN]

Linde ist Eigentümerin der Bäckerei Korst in Hal 5. Sie hat ihre eigenen Ansichten über Brot und Lebensmittel im Allgemeinen. Mit Korst sucht sie nach einem neuen Konzept für ein jahrhundertealtes Handwerk. Das Ergebnis? Herrliches Sauerteigbrot. Ihre Bäckerei ist nicht zufällig in Leuven. Nach Erfahrungen in ganz Europa entschied sich Linde für diesen Ort, weil sie hier mit den lokalen Erzeugern von BoerEnCompagnie zusammenarbeiten kann, die solidarische Landwirtschaft praktizieren. Und weil sie Räumlichkeiten in Hal 5 fand. Diese leerstehenden historischen Eisenbahndepots wurden in einen pulsierenden, urbanen und nachhaltigen Treffpunkt für Kreative und Kreatives verwandelt.
Conoce a nuestros lugareños: Linde, el Panadero [SPANISH]

Conoce a nuestros lugareños: Linde, el Panadero [SPANISH]

Linde es propietaria de la panadería Korst en el Hal 5. Ella tiene su propia visión sobre el pan y sobre la comida en general. Con Korst se ha lanzado a la búsqueda de una nueva fórmula para un oficio centenario. ¿El resultado? Un delicioso pan de masa fermentada Su panadería no se encuentra en Leuven por casualidad. Después de vagar por toda Europa, Linde eligió este lugar porque aquí puede colaborar con los productos locales de BoerEnCompagnie, una cooperativa CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). Y, por supuesto, porque encontró un local en el Hal 5. Estas salas de ferrocarril históricas y vacías se transformaron en un lugar de encuentro y creación vibrante, urbano y sostenible.
Story of the Tall Ships' Races

Story of the Tall Ships' Races

Szczecin has already hosted this event twice – in 2007 and 2013. The sailing ship rally had proven an organisational success on both occasions, bringing much joy to citizens and tourists, and recognition in the eyes of other ports to Szczecin. For the third time, the race finals were be held on the banks of the Oder in 2017. The breathtaking seaside Wały Chrobrego again was filled with an unforgettable sailing atmosphere, and the city will gleam with the white of sailors' hats and striped crewman shirts. You can't find such flavour of unforgettableness anywhere else!


The Clocktower is the historic landmark of Graz. It sits up the Schlossberg, from there you enjoy great views of the historic Old Town.
Kunsthaus - the "Friendly Alien"

Kunsthaus - the "Friendly Alien"

The Kunsthaus is Graz's museum of contemporary art. Due to its striking architecture it soon became the modern landmark of the city.
Eggenberg Palace

Eggenberg Palace

A prestigious palace at the outskirts of Graz. Make sure to stroll through the garden to see the peacocks!
Introduction of Graz

Introduction of Graz

Get an overview of Graz, Austria's second largest city. Known for its lively cultural and culinary scene.
Graz Main Square / City Hall

Graz Main Square / City Hall

Buzzling center of the historic old town
Fly Baden

Fly Baden

Fly Baden
Baden-Baden Imageclip

Baden-Baden Imageclip

- Baden-Baden Imageclip (ENGLISH)
Baden-Baden Imageclip DE

Baden-Baden Imageclip DE

- Baden-Baden Imageclip (DEUTSCH)
Duik in Mechelen!

Duik in Mechelen!

Promofilm 'Duik in Mechelen!
Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way - Blaskets View Signature Point - Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland

Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way - Blaskets View Signature Point - Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland

Experience one of the wildest, most enchanting and culturally rich coastal touring routes in the world. Wherever you travel along the Wild Atlantic Way you’ll find magic, adventure, history and beauty in abundance.
Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way | Cliffs of Moher in Co. Clare.

Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way | Cliffs of Moher in Co. Clare.

Discover the rugged beauty and history behind the magnificient Cliffs of Moher in Co. Clare.
Wild Atlantic Way - Derrigimlagh Signature Point

Wild Atlantic Way - Derrigimlagh Signature Point

The townland of Derrigimlagh in Connemara, Co. Galway - one of the most magnifiicent lowland blanket bogs in Europe, right beside the sea. Feelings of awe and wonder will overcome you here in the west of Ireland, the spot chosen by Marconi with views right across the Atlandtic Ocean
Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Downpatrick Head, Co. Mayo

Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Downpatrick Head, Co. Mayo

Lose yourself and connect with nature at Downpatrick Head in Co. Mayo. Legends of St. Patrick, giants and many more mysteries waiting to be discovered. Feel alive as you stroll or climb some of the highest cliff walks in Europe
Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way - Fanad Head, Co. Donegal

Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way - Fanad Head, Co. Donegal

North Coast of Ireland - rural Donegal, where old meets wild and the sea meets the land. Discover the magnificent sea stacks and Fanad Lighthouse, one of the most beautiful lighthouses in the world.
Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Keem Strand, Co. Mayo

Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Keem Strand, Co. Mayo

Achill - also referred to as 'the end of the world' - where you can experience the wild mountains, valleys and hills of Co. Mayo.
Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Killary Harbour, Co. Galway

Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Killary Harbour, Co. Galway

Rediscover yourself in the rugged and inspiring Connemara, where Galway and Mayo meet - peace, purity and nature - a little piece of heaven in the west of Ireland.
Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Malin Head, Co. Donegal

Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Malin Head, Co. Donegal

Discover the very top of Ireland at Malin Head, Co. Donegal. The tip of the Inishowen peninsula.
Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Mizen Head, Co. Cork

Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Mizen Head, Co. Cork

Ireland's most south westerly point - Mizen Head in Co. Cork.
Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Mullaghmore Head, Co. Sligo

Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Mullaghmore Head, Co. Sligo

The magnificent Mullaghmore Head in Co. Sligo.
Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Old Head of Kinsale, Co. Cork

Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way – Old Head of Kinsale, Co. Cork

Discover the beauty of Kinsale in Co. Cork and the magnificent Old Head.
Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way - Skelligs View, Co. Kerry

Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way - Skelligs View, Co. Kerry

Eight miles off Kerry’s magnificent Iveragh Peninsula – where Ireland’s highest mountain range sweeps down to the wild Atlantic coast – is one of the wonders of the world: Skellig Michael. 1300 years ago, early Christian monks built a remarkable hermitage at the top of this jagged ocean crag – then at the furthest limits of the |known world. . This extraordinary, far-flung place of pilgrimage – described by George Bernard Shaw as “part of our dream world” – is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way - Sliabh Liag (Slieve League) Co. Donegal

Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way - Sliabh Liag (Slieve League) Co. Donegal

Discover south west Donegal and the beauty of the Sliabh Liag (Slieve League) cliffs and surrounding area.